Thank you for your support!
The Wake Early College Parent Teacher Student Association WECHSPTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
No goods or services are provided in exchange for your generous financial donation. Please support us in our efforts to bring quality, educational enrichment programs to North Carolina students devoted to The Health & Science discipline.
Sponsorship Opportunities

$Any Amount Gift – Your contribution may help with treats during PHS Quarterly Honors Breakfast, North Campus exam week snacks, and Teacher Appreciation week, among other initiatives.

$60.00 Gift – Your contribution provides $60.00 towards the development outreach and communication of more selected professional mentors from the Health & Science community to continue and build more active mentoring to our scholars at WECHS. In addition, you will be invited to have a role in helping to decide the specific professional mentors who speak before our WECHS scholars.

$150.00 Gift – Your contribution provides $150.00 that goes to help build our platform of education excellence. It will help fund our various initiatives throughout the year.

$250.00 Gift – Your contribution provides a $250.00 toward the development of stronger outreach to the Health and Science Community and Scholarships for our senior students who purse secondary education in one of the sixteen North Carolina colleges or universities. This support is vital. Community leaders will also be recognized in our printed materials.

$500.00 Gift – Your $500 annual contribution provides the core of our ongoing support for the academic and need based scholarships for our graduating seniors. In 2017 WECHS graduated 77 students – the largest class ever. As the student population grows, the need for support increases. As a WECHS Sponsor you will fill that void. You get full recognition at all events. Thanks for your dedicated and support!

If you prefer, you can mail your donation by mail to the school address:
c/o WECHS School Office
2901 Holston Ln,
Raleigh, NC 27610